If you’ve canceled your order before it shipped
If you've successfully canceled your order in our system, or had us cancel it for you, you'll receive an email confirmation letting you know your refund is coming.
- If you paid via PayPal, your refund should arrive within the day.
- If you paid with a card, they say we should allow 4-5 days for the credit to appear on your statement.
If you have returned an item for a refund
Once we receive your returned item back to our warehouse, we will submit your refund into our system, and you'll get a confirmation email at that time.
We will let you know once we receive the item back. But you can feel free to follow up with us at any time to have us double-check.
Just send a reply in your support email thread, and we'll ask the warehouse to check and see if it's arrived back yet.
If you sent it back to us with tracking, or if we sent you our own label to use for the return, then you'll be able to check the tracking to see whether it's arrived yet.
Make a note of the tracking number before you drop off the package!